CARA services

Discover a brief overview of all our services.

In order to fulfill its two main missions, CARA organizes its activities into various services that enable members to be supported from the idea stage to market entry:

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CARA collects and provides strategic information to its members to help them understand the developments within its six mobility sectors. As a member, you can receive four different types of monitoring: market monitoring, European monitoring, calls for projects monitoring, and international monitoring.

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In order to foster the network and provide opportunities for various stakeholders to meet, exchange ideas, and develop synergies beneficial to the ecosystem, we organize networking events (such as CARA meetings, CARApero, thematic days) tailored to different types of actors (funders, partners, territories).

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The cluster supports you in French and international events, providing increased visibility and saving time and organizational efforts. CARA also highlights your projects and innovations through various communication channels such as mailings, LinkedIn, podcasts, and more.

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Through relationships with foreign industries, clusters, or partner territories, CARA enables its members to access international markets. Often validated through successful development, the support towards these markets is a real asset for businesses and the entire ecosystem of our sectors.

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Innovation plays a crucial role within our network. That’s why CARA is committed to supporting its members in their innovation projects and ensuring they have the necessary tools to see these projects through to completion. This support includes both guidance on their solutions themselves and networking opportunities with stakeholders such as partners, funders, and territories.

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CARA also regularly organizes thematic events on broader topics for a more select group. Organized under various research programs, these events allow participants to focus their innovative ideas and solutions on specific challenges in transportation and mobility.

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As a cluster, CARA is also accredited and can provide its expertise on projects to enable its members to leverage this endorsement with public funders. Separate from the support provided by the competitiveness cluster, the CARA accreditation process is a significant asset when seeking grants and funding opportunities.

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To address the challenges of skill development in our sectors, we support our members through various initiatives funded by the France 2030 investment plan. These initiatives encompass training in new professions, educational methods in schools, and transitioning towards these new careers.

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