Mobility solutions
Structuring to support changes in mobility and transport systems
In 2020, 80% of the French population will live in cities. Our society is facing a global challenge in terms of the mobility of people and goods in this context of urbanization, metropolization and an aging population.

Beyond the already hyper-connected urban centers, the new mobilities must propose solutions for the less dense, suburban and rural areas.

CARA is at the heart of this revolution
Mobility is at the heart of the major challenges facing our society:
Transportation is the third largest expense for the French people because of the energy consumption related to travel. Moreover, according to the PFA – Filière Automobile & Mobilités, the demand for mobility will double by 2050. (Source PFA)
It is just as important with the shift in the value chain from traditional manufacturers to digital service providers, data managers or battery manufacturers, mainly from Asia or the United States. Given the COVID crisis, we need to think about how to keep skills and jobs in Europe.
The lack of mobility solutions as well as the difficulty of access to new services can be real factors of exclusion.
Transportation contributes to air pollution, noise pollution, and damage to non-renewable natural resources needed to build transportation infrastructure and vehicles.
Public Health
Pollution is a cause of premature death before the age of 65. It causes 48,000 deaths per year in France and 500,000 deaths per year in Europe (European Environment Agency).
Many opportunities can be identified through these issues. CARA has identified 5 of them on which it can contribute:

In particular, we must ensure that we keep skills and jobs in Europe to avoid what happened during the COVID crisis.
To meet these challenges, CARA is organized around 5 research programs: