Represents 1950 industrial companies
- Rail
Our organization’s areas of activity
– Skills integration for industry: approach and selection of candidates, in-house industrial apprenticeship training, out-of-house industrial apprenticeship training in secondary and higher education, integration through qualification.
– Skills development for industry: vocational training for employees and job-seekers in industrial techniques and management, industrial performance and HR management consulting.
– Member relations. Trade union consultancy: individual and collective labor relations, occupational health and safety, environment, company law, compensation – job classification – qualification. Network initiatives: executives, HR managers, industrial managers. Employment department. Influence: relations with companies, political relations (UIMM AuRA, Medef Lyon Rhône), external political relations (professional organizations, government departments, local authorities).
– Company services. Training in the field of trade-union consultancy. HR: diagnostics, IS, outsourcing of training plans, professional qualifications, job descriptions, job boards. Industrial development: foresight, innovation, international, occupational health and safety, environment. Networking. Company life-cycle financing.