International development
The internationalization is a crucial issue for the entire French economy. It is often a guarantee of successful development of a company. Furthermore, it helps promoting the “made in France”. However, it is difficult for some structures to consider exporting in the early stages due to a lack of resources, information and time.
In some cases, the cluster can be a strategic tool to enter the international market.
What interest for my structure?
Time saving
Internationalization through a cluster can reduce the time needed to establish contacts or working relationships with international partners. Thanks to the monitoring and information provided on markets, business projects and opportunities, international trade fairs and B2B meetings, CARA allows you to save time in your development beyond French borders.
By joining CARA, a member fit into a local network, made up of the other members of the cluster. Through these networks, he receives information and contacts from potential clients or partners, and benefits from the transfer of knowledge in international activities field. Besides the members networking, CARA puts you in touch with potential customers or international business partners.
Thanks to interclusturing partnerships, CARA has developed synergies and established contacts with foreign clusters. Thus, members can access to high-level international partners. On the other hand, the proposed collective actions provide greater visibility.
Each year, CARA organizes international events, missions and meetings around specific thematic, to:
- Identify and prospect new customers abroad
- Share experiences and good practices between participating companies
Our services
Meetings with contractors
Meetings with contractors present real business opportunities in order to establish contacts with future clients and partners during targeted meetings. CARA organizes different events each year with European partners:

Prospecting missions
CARA propose programs to connect its members with prospects and / or foreign partners according to their needs in a collective dynamic and in collaboration with our foreign and national partners (Business France, BPI France, CCI France International, etc.).
International trade fairs
CARA supports its members in their participation in international fairs, by offering collective stands. Increased visibility, reduced costs and time-saving: CARA ensures all the organization of their presence on the stand.

Support on international development strategy
CARA directs its members to the most relevant organizations to support them on key stages of their international development through a global analysis that aims to define their priorities:

International Newsletter
Every two months, CARA offers you a newsletter listing international mobility and transport news. Different themes are discussed:
- Current market opportunities for international companies
- Political and regulatory decisions of countries
- International events
- International development aid mechanisms.