Brokerage Event – Horizon Europe
- All sectors
The Horizon Europe Programme aims at developing innovation and research projects in different sectors including climate, energy, and mobility (topics of Cluster 5). This event will bring together energy and mobility industry stakeholders to help them to find potential partners, join consortia and develop their projects under the Horizon Europe programme.
The event focuses on the calls of destinations 2, 3 and 6 of Cluster 5 2024 which are due in the 2nd semester 2024. The topics are the following:
- Cross-sectorial solutions for climate transition
- Sustainable, secure and competitive energy supply
- Efficient, sustainable and inclusive use of energy
- Safe and resilient transport and smart mobility services for passengers and goods
Brokerage Event Programme
Thursday 25 April
- 9 :00 à 12 :00 : Opening Session & Round Table – Horizon Europe 2024
- 12:00 à 17:00: Matchmaking Session
Friday 26 April
- 9:00 à 17:00: Matchmaking Session
This Brokerage Event is organized by the Smart Energy Alliance (NextMove, Capenergies, Derbi, S2E2 and MEDEE), the European Enterprise Network (EEN) and the French national contact points.