Digital & Mobility: Funding opportunities in 2024

  • Webinar
  • All sectors

EU support for research and innovation offers a wide range of funding opportunities. The FAMN – French Automotive & Mobility Network is organising an online informative webinar to learn more about new funding opportunities provided by the Digital Europe programme in 2024.

Programme du webinaire Digital Europe

This webinar will be presented by Mathieu Saraiva, FAMN.

  • Introduction : Mathieu Saraiva, consultant à Bruxelles pour FAMN
  • Introduction au dispositif de financement européen : Yves Paindaveine, European Commission CNECT A4
  • Pôles européens d’Innovation Numérique (EDIH)
    – DEDIHCATED BFC – Emmanuel PARIS, Pôle Véhicule du Futur
    – EDIH Bretagne – Manon LE YEUC’H, Image & Réseaux
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Digital Europe Webinar

French Automotive & Mobility Network (FAMN) brings together the PFA and four mobility clusters based in France (CARA, NextMove, ID4CAR, PVF) and represents their interests at European level.