International Mission : Micromobility, the new challenges facing cycling in the Netherlands

  • International Mission

Mission presentation :

CARA, in partnership with ID4Mobility, NextMove and CYGO, and with the support of the Dutch Cycling Embassy, participate to a international mission to discover the micromobility ecosystem in the Netherlands.

Thematics :

  • Local authorities’ cycling/micromobility strategy
  • Cycle-related services
  • The bicycle life cycle: construction, assembly, ESS, recycling, maintenance, repair, etc.

Provisional programme for the international mission

Monday, January 15 – Day at VARSSEVELD

Arrival on Monday morning.

  • Introduction by the Dutch Cycling Embassy: Presentation of the essential principles that have led to the success of cycling in the Netherlands (history, infrastructure and policies).
  • Visit to the innovative Van Raam factory, manufacturer of adapted bicycles: tricycles, tandems, duo bikes, wheelchair bikes, low-frame bikes, comfort bikes, etc.
  • Networking evening with pitch sessions (e.g. on the theme of parking Street-Stuff and Abel Sensors).

Tuesday, January 16 – Day at UTRECHT

  • Presentation by experts on the subjects of :
    Intermodality, including the bike-train combination with Roland Rager

    Policies and strategies to promote active mobility with Ruxandra Aelenei, international mobility consultant

    – Promoting cycling: “What are the best practices in the Netherlands and internationally?” with José Diaz, founder of the Motion cycling promotion application.
    • Cycle tour of the city of Utrecht, “the most cycle-friendly city in the world”, with a visit to the world’s largest bicycle garage and its innovative approach to services for cyclists.
    • Networking evening with the private and public players in the Dutch Cycling Embassy network.

    Wednesday, January 17 – City TBD

    • Workshop on Dutch infrastructure design principles with Brett Petzer from Mobycon

    or visit to a De Fietser or Gazelle experience centre

    • Mission debriefing lunch