Registration for Mobility Techdays is now open !

  • Mobility Techdays
  • All sectors

Real showcase for your expertise with international contractors, the Mobility Techdays await you on 21 November 2024 at the Matmut Stadium in Gerland, Lyon.

Discover the event

The Mobility Techdays (focused on Automotive since 2012) are now open to the 6 sectors (Automotive, Industrial Vehicles, Rail, Guided Air Transport, River and Lake Transportation, Bike & Micromobility) represented at CARA, with the aim of showcasing our members’ collaborative projects !

This showcase will give exhibiting projects the opportunity to present their technologies, know-how and skills to buyers and R&I managers from French and international principals, manufacturers and suppliers of mobility systems, in a privileged professional setting.

The event will focus on 3 major themes, which will be addressed by the innovative projects on display:

Electrification & Powertrain

Intelligence Transport System

Structure & Matérials

The programme for visitors

  • A round-table discussion on the theme : How does reindustrialisation impact on innovation choices ? With big-name speakers representing the key players in our 6 mobility sectors.
  • 22 innovation projects exhibited on individual stands with their demonstrator
  • Networking time

Come and join us for this unique afternoon in an exceptional setting to discover these innovative projects from your network ! Register now.

And to keep you waiting until 21 November, watch the teaser video

Take part in the event
