Roundtable FAMN

  • Webinars
  • Automotive

“Driving skills Transformation in a Changing Industry”

How can the Mobility sector bridge Employment and Sustainable Transition?


The roundtable will be organised by the French Automotive & Mobility Network (FAMN): the French mobility sector Brussels-based representation, which brings together the PFA and four mobility clusters based in France (CARA, ID4MOBILITY, NextMove, PVF). In total, FAMN has around 1.500 members including SMEs, large companies, universities, research centres and local authorities.

The roundtable discussion is being held in the context of the European Year of Skills 2023.

Roundtable Agenda

14:00 – 14:05 : Introduction

14:05 – 15:00 : PANEL 1 – Discussion between clusters & regional players: efforts made and remaining gaps (operational part)

Moderator : Jean-Baptiste HAHN, CARA

  • Véronique ROTTIER, ID4Mobility
  • Aude-Marie DUBOIS, NextMove
  • Ludovic PARTY, Pôle Véhicule du Futur
  • Maxi FENDRICH, Grand-Est Region
  • Anna SPECHTENHAUSER, Stuttgart Region European Office at Brussels and Automotive Skills Alliance

15:00 – 15:05 : Coffee break

15:05 – 16:00 : PANEL 2 – How to fill the gaps: perspectives from EU-level stakeholders (institutional part)

Moderator : Mathieu SARAIVA, FAMN – French Automotive and Mobility Network

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