Alliance Emploi, a network of companies co-creating sustainable jobs
- Automotive
- Rail
Alliance Emploi is a network of companies, created more than 25 years ago, co-creator of sustainable jobs, with 22 branches in 6 regions. We develop the employability of nearly 2,000 employees (permanent, fixed-term and work-study contracts) within our member companies.
As an active player in local employment, we support companies in their local catchment areas, helping them to develop their skills and anticipate change. We have developed expertise in the recruitment and provision of personnel, work-study schemes and skills upgrading.
Our experience in the field and our knowledge of over 100 multi-sector professions make Alliance Emploi an HR reference, particularly in industry.
“Putting employees into sustainable employment through versatility and multi-skilling is a major challenge for society. Alliance Emploi has been convinced of this since its creation.” Karim KHETIB, Managing Director of Alliance Emploi.