Your R&D deserves excellence. Patents guarantee it.

  • Active Mobility
  • Automative
Bloom IP offers expertise in industrial property covering the drafting and filing of patent applications, prior art searches, patentability analyses, and freedom-to-operate assessments.

Our support also includes the development of invention protection strategies, the establishment and negotiation of license and partnership agreements, technology watch, and the valuation of industrial property rights portfolios (patents, trademarks, designs). We operate in various technical fields such as mechanics, electronics, computer science, and life sciences.

Our services also encompass the management and maintenance of industrial property rights, monitoring of competitors’ activities, and assistance in case of litigation. We strive to adapt our approach to the specific needs of each client, whether they are innovative start-ups, growing SMEs, or large industrial groups.

Finally, we assist our clients throughout the innovation process, from conception to commercialization. This involves tailored support for grant applications and optimization of research tax credits.