Project guidance and support
CARA offers project expertise to support the development of its members' products, services and industrial processes.
CARA offers its members project expertise to support the development of its members’ products, services and industrial processes. Networking is also offered to identify partners, financial backers or testing grounds
Innovation project set-up
Cell Voltage Monitor project (CVM)
After being supported and certified by CARA, DAM Group, a CARA member, finally obtained financing from ADEME to implement the project as part of the C-INOV competition. With a view to providing its customers with cutting-edge solutions, this funding will enable DAM Group to continue its efforts to develop a Cell Voltage Monitor (CVM), a universal connector for monitoring and diagnosing the bipolar plates that make up the stack (stack of membrane-electrode assembly).
CARA assisted DAM Group in putting together the application and critically reviewing it. The second phase of support focused on lobbying the decision-making bodies. Finally, CARA promoted the project within its network.

Développement project set-up
For experimental projects, CARA offers the project manager enhanced assistance to lead:
- The drafting of the consortium agreement
- The definition of the specifications and testing protocol
- The monitoring and evaluation of the experimentation
D-Louve project guidance
In 2020, the D-Louve project supported by CARA received funding from the regional ADEM through the AURATRANS call for projects. Our member Andarta Robotics (TwinswHeel) could initiate this project of experimentation of an autonomous droid dedicated to the delivery of the last mile.
This experimentation is planned on the territory of the Métropole du Grand Lyon.
European project guidance and support
2020 was highlighted by the structuring and maturation of CARA’s specific support services for European projects. This implementation made it possible to support a total of 19 European projects during the year.
Take advantage of this support by contacting us here