DECARBOMILE “Five pillars to DECARBOnize the last MILE logistics”
Coordinators Interface Transport
- Europe
CARApower, supported by CARA, has goal to create systemic experimentation platform to power electronics application.
CARApower objective is to create systemic experimentation platform to power electronics applications from production to electrics energies use for electromobility in protected and securised environment :
CARApower is structured in close collaboration with Grid4Mobility project. Grid4Mobility is a Smartgrid project which has candidated to State Region Plan Contract (SRPC). Financing decision will be decided in 2021 Autumn and will be the real starting point for platform installation.
The sector concerned is actors components of electromobility sector power electronic of Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region, including elctric power production, electric energie distribution, electric energie stockage, electric energie transfert on board vehicles, electric energie use on board vehicles.
Since power electronics occupies important par on many value chain involved on tomorrow mix energy, so we can affirm that it has a major role to play in this energy mix. Indeed, she is present:
Platform objective is to suggest differents and innovates approachs of vehicles refill :
A plateform like this doesn’t exist now with the completeness target and access required modularity.
Economic spin-offs waiting of CARApower project will be multiple and fasts :
Beyond numbers, the region is rich on actors, some are among the world leaders of their technology, on all power electronic and electromobility value chain. We can quote : ABB, AMPERE Lab., CEA, IFPEN, IVECO Bus, Renault Trucks-Groupe Volvo, SCHneider Electric, SOITEC, STMicroelectronics, Symbio, Valeo, Université Gustave Eiffel
Partners have planned complementaries investissements for platform creation :
CARA took action on structuration, steering and animation of CARApower project submission to AURA sector Booster called project.
Strong to regional, national and eurpean ecosystem knowledge, CARA Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes will ensure project promotion, communication and valorisation towards sector actors in order to agglomerate needs on tests in particular from VSE, SME and ETI, comlete platform definition and help to ensure business plan completness of platform over the medium term.
Organisation and layout knows-how of powerful test platform will be Centum-Adeneo contributions. However, humans resources will be also available for platform constitution : engineering for technical steering and platform spects organisation of indoor power test, photovoltaic connection, network connection people safety.
Some source modules and reversible loads for recoverable “in-door” test bench.
30kW induction charger prototype with access to intermediaries datas.
Availability of mobile or fixed DC charge solution for automobile and industrial electric vehicle in context of charge station range development ALPHEE ERCTEEL.
Puncutual availability of automatic connection systems prototypes and possibility to exploit patentes wallet of magnetic sockets and current sensors.
CARA : Association of Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region including transport and mobility competitive cluster to Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, cluster and Automobile French Platform (PFA) representation in region (ARIA – Automobile Industrial Regional Agency).
Centum TS : Electric engineering & power electronic, equipment manufacturer
Alphee-Ercteel : Surveys and fabrication of conductors charging points
Gulplug : Automatic connection solutions manufacturers for electric vehicles and electric monitoring
AUSAR Energy : Conceptor, developer and marketer of hybrid renewable energy ‘production projects with clean technologie
Transpolis SAS : Transpolis SAS operates two experimentation sites for tomorrow mobility located on Ain aux Fromentaux plain and at La Valbonne. CARApower project will be implanted on Fromentaux site.
EFI Automotive : Specialized on captors, actuators conception and manufacturing for improve powertrains and transmissions efficacity; as well as mecatronics elements for electromobility.
Université Gustave Eiffel : Born by 2 universities, 1 european research institut, 1 architecture school and 3 engineering schools fusion. The university has vocation to develop nationals and internationals collaborations to answer major societal issues generate by deep mutations of environment. The Gustave Eiffel university is owner of Fromentaux site experimentation plateforms and, will host and will be associated to CARApower platform.