Centralised, reliable, cyber-secure & upgradable in-vehicle electronic control architectures for CCAM connected to the cloud-edge continuum (CCAM Partnership)
Coordinators Horizon Europe
- All sectors
The EIC Challenge Accelerator has several predefined thematic priorities, one of which focuses on funding projects involving emerging components of semiconductor or quantum technology.
This EIC Accelerator Challenge has two priorities:
The EIC accelerator helps companies (start-ups and SMEs) to :
Innovation activities have already reached technological maturity level (TRL) 4 and are currently at TRL 5 or higher.
They require substantial funding over a long period before they can generate profits (“patient capital”).
This call for projects finances SMEs (< 250 employees AND < €50M annual turnover OR < €43M annual balance sheet total) or an ETI (< 499 employees).
If you are a “small mid-cap” company (up to 499 employees) established in an EU Member State or a country associated with the EU, you need funding for rapid scale-up and your activities are at TRL 9 level (commercialisation and market deployment). You can only apply for the investment part of this fund.
Be established in an EU Member State or in a country associated with Horizon Europe.
Applicants from the UK can apply to the accelerator, but are not eligible for the investment part.
Applicants for funding only must be established in a Member State or an associated country.
Please contact our Europe cell (europe@cara.eu)
Coordinators Horizon Europe
Coordinators RESIST
Coordinators E-BOOST