I3 Capacity Building
Coordinators Interregional Innovation Investments Instrument
- All sectors
This call for projects is part of the Horizon Europe funding programme.
The development of multiple recharging centres to enable large-scale deployment of these vehicles by 2030. Limited optimisation of on-board systems may be included if properly justified.
Every charger of these charge center will be used by many vehicles more light of less power (150-350 kW) during peak periods. This will need also concepts of topologies able to host a heavy vehicle or 4 to 6 light vehicles in every charge point :
Every candidate must be a legal entity, in others words a physical and moral legal people with a legal personnality. She must be etablished on territory of one member States of UE or on one of them ultra-marine territory. Otherwise, she must be etablished on one of Horizon Europe program “Member States” or a medium or low income State.
Every consortium must be composed of at least three independent eligible legal entities, including at least one must be localise on UE member States and at least two others must be etablished each on UE member State or different associated States.
Activities must reach the TRL 8 by the end of the project.
Please contact our Europe cell (europe@cara.eu)