Integrated peri-urban areas in the transition towards climate neutrality

  • All sectors
  • Call for project
  • Coordinators: Horizon Europe (Mission Cities)
  • Opening of application: 11 July 2024
  • Allocated budget: 9 000 000€
  • End of applications: 11 February 2025
  • Project duration: between 30 and 36 months


This call aims at reducing greenhouse gas emissions by combining at least two of the four following fields: Mobility, Energy, Industry and Governance. Projects must be in line with the objectives of the Climate-Neutral and Smart Cities Mission.



  • Strengthen accessibility and connectivity of peri-urban areas by increasing by 30% sustainable modes of transport and by reducing by 20% greenhouse gas emissions ;
  • Enhance multimodality in peri-urban areas enabling a better access to commercial and health services, educational establishments, businesses, etc… ;
  • Propose sustainable and inclusive mobility solutions by taking not account the needs of all peri-urban inhabitants (including their age, gender, economic or social status) ;
  • Optimize the use of the existent infrastructure by following the principle of circularity ;
  • Integrate transport planning models and policies ;
  • Analyze the impacts of traffic congestion on peri-urban areas.


  • Develop decarbonized energy grids with economic and social benefits to peri-urban areas ;
  • Design new business models by combining technological solutions in order to set up local energy communities and establish energy storage infrastructure ;
  • Design business models for energy generation from agricultural waste.


  • Reduce greenhous gas emissions in industries located in peri-urban areas supporting the 55% reduction goal for 2030 ;
  • Increase by 30% the deployment of strategic net-zero technologies ;
  • Strengthen the green transition of the industry through Local Green Deals ;
  • 25% enhanced recycling in industrial processes and materials reuse.


  • Develop awareness raising activities concerning the adoption and implementation of sustainable and zero emission solutions ;
  • Support the development of planning and implementation skills in terms of green transition and assess the impacts of sustainable policies ;
  • Integration of peri-urban areas into the current transport and landscape planning ;
  • Develop strategies with planning and regulatory documentations ;


  • Each applicant must be a legal entity that is established in an EU member state or to Horizon Europe associated country.
  • Each consortium must include at least three legal entities from three EU or associated countries. 
Would you like to apply?

Visit the dedicated page on the Horizon Europe website below.

For more information, please contact our Europe team. 

Horizon Europe