15-minute City – Reconsidering urban mobility systems

  • All sectors
  • EU Open calls
  • Coordinators: Driving Urban Transition
  • Allocated budget: 1 - 2 M€ (European Commission = 30% of eligible costs + ANR or ADEME = 25-100% of eligible costs, with a maximum of 500 K€)
  • End of applications: 14 November 2024
  • Project duration: 36 months
  • Project submitted on: Open calls

15-minute City (15mC) – Topic 2 : Reconsidering urban mobility systems: towards system innovation and proximity policies for sustainable city regions


To understand the complex urban-mobility system, involving multiple actors and levels of governance, in order to better integrate interurban dynamics and encourage strategic partnerships, while considering the “15-minute City” Concept.


  • Proposals should develop innovative approaches to adopt a systemic approach to urban mobility and functional proximity;
  • The focus should be on analyzing sustainable systems (ecological, social, economic) to replace existing ones, and on developing policies and instruments to manage and monitor urban mobility from a systemic perspective;
  • The “15-minute City” Concept should be implemented at the metropolitan area level, incorporating polycentric development approaches and flexible systems tailored to individual needs;
  • Proposals must address collaboration between governance levels and sectors, better linking urban mobility with other sectors (logistics, energy, urban greening), and aligning neighborhood developments with city and regional levels;
  • Expected outcomes include: conceptual frameworks to analyze urban mobility at the metropolitan level, tools to assess and monitor mobility, lessons learned from ambitious pilots, and innovative governance approaches to improve coordination between governance levels and stakeholders.


This call includes two types of eligibility criteria: “transnational” applicable to all applicants, and “national/regional” specific to each partner based on nationality.

Transnational Criteria

Eligible Entities: Legal entities such as research organizations, companies, urban government authorities, civil society representatives, and actors from cultural and creative sectors;

Coordinator role: The coordinator must be eligible for funding from their national/regional funding agency;

Eligible countries: Must be based in an eligible country (EU Member States, including Overseas Territories, and certain non-EU countries, EEA, I3 Instrument-associated countries, or those negotiating association agreements);

Consortium :

  • Minimum of 3 eligible applicants from three different countries, with at least two from EU Member States or associated countries eligible for co-funding from the European Commission;
  • Consortia must include at least one urban government authority (city, municipality, etc.) as a beneficiary, co-partner, or cooperation partner;
  • Consortia should ideally include varied partners (businesses, civil society, etc.) and cover multiple disciplines and research types;
  • Consortia must ensure balance between countries in terms of number of partners and budget, and integrate gender balance and diversity in their proposal.

French Criteria

Funding AgencyADEMEANR
Total Budget (M EUR)0,53
Topic 1 – 15minCx
Topic 2 – 15minCxx
Topic 3 – 15minCxx
Eligible RDI Activities for FundingIOA / ROAStrategic research /
Applied research
Maximum Funding per Project/Main Applicant (K EUR)300500
Indicative Mean Funding per Project Expected (K EUR)250200 – 350
Anticipated Number of Projects28 – 10


Contact : Anne GRENIER (anne.grenier@ademe.fr / +33 4 93 95 79 43)

Organization TypeBasic ResearchApplied/Industrial researchInnovation/
Experimental Development
Large Enterprise50%50%25%
Medium Enterprise60%60%35%
Small Enterprise70%70%45%
Universities, Public research100%50%50%
Public authorities100%50%50%


Contacts : Pascal BAIN (pascal.bain@agencerecherche.fr) / Nicolas PAULIEN (nicolas.paulien@agencerecherche.fr)

Organization TypeBasic ResearchApplied/Industrial researchInnovation/
Experimental Development
Large Enterprise30%30%25%
Medium Enterprise45%35-45%35-45%
Small Enterprise45%35-45%35-45%
Universities, Public researchRefer to ANR regulations: https://anr.fr/fr/rf/Refer to ANR regulations: https://anr.fr/fr/rf/Refer to ANR regulations: https://anr.fr/fr/rf/
Public authoritiesRefer to ANR regulations: https://anr.fr/fr/rf/Refer to ANR regulations: https://anr.fr/fr/rf/Refer to ANR regulations: https://anr.fr/fr/rf/
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