Zero-pollution Cities

  • All sectors
  • Coordinators: Horizon Europe
  • Opening of application: 12 June 2024
  • Allocated budget: 5 000 000€
  • End of applications: 16 January 2025
  • Project duration: From 36 to 48 months


This open call aims at assessing the impacts of air, water, soil and/or pollution on public health in urban areas in order to implement zero pollution policies and solutions. Projects must be in line with EU Mission on Climate-Neutral and Smart Cities.


Project are expected to :

  • Develop methods for more assessing exposure of vulnerable groups to air, water, soil and/or noise pollution at regional and/or local level.
  • Improve assessment of the consequences of air, water, soil and noise pollution on mortality and morbidity.
  • Provide a deep understanding of the role of behavioural economics, psychology and organizational behaviour to better establish and implement measures aiming at reducing pollution in urban areas.
  • Improve understanding of the correlation between improving environmental quality of urban areas and human health and wellbeing.
  • Establish methods for determining the sources of air pollutants at urban level. The objective is to enable local authorities and citizens to know the proportion of the pollutant emissions attributable to urban transport.
  • Conduct comparative analysis of selected pollution reduction strategies at local level and identify key factors that ensure their replication potential.


  • Each applicant must be a legal entity that is established in an EU member state or Horizon Europe associated country.
  • Each consortium must include at least three legal entities from three EU or associated countries. 

Activities must achieve TRL 5 by the end of the project.

For more informaton, please contact our Europe team